Our Club Documents
Introduction to IOGKF Goju Ryu Karate
This is a booklet we give to new students to give them an overview of the style of karate taught under the International Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate Federation (IOGKF). It has been adapted from multiple sources.
10th, 9th & 8th Kyu Study Guide
This is an introduction to the materials that need to be mastered for the first three grades (10th, 9th & 8th kyu). It is aimed at children but it is hoped that adults might enjoy and or learn something as well. It bears emphasis that one cannot learn karate from written material. At best such material serves as useful reminders and reinforces what you have been taught in the dojo.
7th, 6th & 5th Kyu Study Guide
The next three grades. The same comments as above apply.
Rules, Guidelines and Recommendations for students
The syllabus we follow can be found here.
Organisations & Clubs
The International website for IOGKF is here and the official Facebook page is here.
Our national organisation is at IOGKFNZ. There is a large amount of useful information available on this and other official web pages. The details of other IOGKFNZ affiliated dojos can be found here.
IOGKFNZ affiliated clubs we have a close relationship with: Queenstown Queenstown Karate Club.
Sensei Lee, who runs our children’s program, also runs Budo Culture for Disabled. Their Facebook page is here and their web page is here.
Sensei John Marrable’s personal web page is here.
There are two Australian IOGKF organisations, the Australian Okinawan Goju-ryu Karate-Do Federation and Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate Australia.
Recommended Information
A short lecture on dojo etiquette given by Shihan Morio Higaonna can be seen here. (Highly recommended.)
A short video by Sensei David Lambert (AOGKF) on how to tie an obi (belt) is here.